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The small and lightweight pod can be mounted on standard hard points and typical camera mounts. The RIEGL VUX-1UAV is a very lightweight and compact laser scanner, meeting the challenges of emerging survey solutions by UAS/UAV/RPAS both in measurement performance as well as in system integration. LS Micro Vux LR is the next generation LIDAR solution, a product suitable for both corridor and area mapping. Based on the Riegl VUX-1LR, survey grade FOG IMU, and including a 50mp RGB calibrated camera fully integrated.
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The VUX-1LR Long Range is a very lightweight, compact and rugged laser scanner that was especially designed for airborne surveying missions from helicopter, gyrocopter, and other small aircraft. RIEGL VUX-1LR is a very lightweight and compact laser scanner, meeting the challenges of airborne laser scanning by helicopter, gyrocopter, and other small aircraft both in measu - rement performance as well as in system integration. The RIEGL VUX-1LR is a very lightweight and compact laser scanner, meeting the challenges of airborne laser scanning by helicopter, gyrocopter, and other small aircraft both in measurement performance as in system integration.
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Based on the Riegl VUX-1LR, survey grade FOG IMU, and including a 50mp RGB calibrated camera fully integrated. It can be operated at higher altitudes and covers more area on unmanned missions. riegl vux-1lr 通过近红外激光束和快速线扫描实现了数据的高速获取。基于 riegl 独一无二的回波数字化和在线波形处理技术,vux-1lr 可实现高精度的激光测量,即使在大气条件不佳的情况下也可以获得高质量的测量结果,并且可识别多目标回波。 The RIEGL VUX-240 is a lightweight airborne laser scanner, especially designed for use on UAS/UAV/RPAS and small manned aeroplanes or helicopters. With its wide field of view of 75 degrees and an extremely fast data acquisition rate of up to 1.8 MHz, the instrument is perfectly suited for high point density corridor mapping applications. Airborne Scanners VQ-780i VQ-1560i and VQ-1560i-DW VP-1 VUX-1LR VQ-880-G and VQ-880-GH LMS-Q1560 LMS-Q780 VQ-580 VQ-480i Mobile Scanners VMX-2HA VMX-1HA VMQ-1HA VUX-1HA VMZ Unmanned Scanners miniVUX-1DL RiCOPTER -M miniVUX-1UAV BathyCopter RiCOPTER with VUX-SYS RiCOPTER VUX-1UAV Terrestrial Scanners VZ-2000i VZ-400i VZ-4000 VZ-6000 Industrial Airborne Scanners VQ-780i VQ-1560i and VQ-1560i-DW VP-1 VUX-1LR VQ-880-G and VQ-880-GH LMS-Q1560 LMS-Q780 VQ-580 VQ-480i Mobile Scanners VMX-2HA VMX-1HA VMQ-1HA VUX-1HA VMZ Unmanned Scanners miniVUX-1DL RiCOPTER -M miniVUX-1UAV BathyCopter RiCOPTER with VUX-SYS RiCOPTER VUX-1UAV Terrestrial Scanners VZ-2000i VZ-400i VZ-4000 VZ-6000 Industrial Example: VUX-1LR at 50,000 pulses/second range to target 500 m, speed 70 kn Resulting Point Density 0.44 pts/m 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 Target Reflectivity [%] PRR 100 kHz Example: VUX-1LR at 100,000 pulses/second range to target 500 m, speed 50 kn Resulting Point Density 1.2 pts/m PRR 200 kHz Download Data Sheet LS Micro Vux LR CE (Compact Edition) is the next generation of LS Micro Vux, a product suitable for both corridor and area mapping.
550 кГц / 500 кГц. ADVANCED LIDAR TECHNOLOGIES. It is equipped with a Riegl. VUX-1LR laser scanner, designed to acquire LiDAR data from aircrafts, making it possible to.
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